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港島青年獅子會 歡迎您!

港島青年獅子會是附屬國際獅子會總會中國港澳303區獅子區會之青年義工服務團體,由港島獅子會贊助,現有會員二十多名。本會本著「我們服務」We Serve 的宗旨,服務社會及有需要之人士,讓會員能從服務中認識自我,並對社會作出貢獻。

Leo Club of Hong Kong Island (HKI) is founded in 1980 and is an affiliated youth volunteer social services organization of Lions Clubs International District 303 – Hong Kong and Macao, China. HKI is sponsored by Lion Club of Hong Kong Island and we currently have about 20 members. HKI is in line with our motto of ‘We Serve’ to offer our timely help to those who are in need in our community. We offer chances for members to know more about themselves and make contribution to our society.