
獅子會為了讓青年人在發展興趣的同時,亦學習如何成為一個有責任感的人,於一九五七年,在賓夕凡尼亞州Glenside的Abington High School成立第一個青年獅子會。兩名Glenside分會的會員Bill Ernst及James Graver是這個擁有二十六名校隊壘球手為成員的青年獅子會創辦人。這是青年獅子會發展的雛型。經過六年的努力,第二個青年獅子會才得以同樣在賓夕凡尼亞州組織而成,當其時Abington青年獅子會曾致送錦旗予新成立之Tamaqua青年獅子會作為紀念。自此之後,青年獅子會的發展才蓬勃起來。 一九六八年,國際獅子總會會長伊雲士獅伯提出以「輔導青少年活動」列為當年度主要服務項目,並在國際獅子總會理事會投票通過正式承認青年獅子會之成立,年內全球有十八個國冢超過二百個青年獅子會相繼成立。一年後,青年獅子會的數目更增加至九百一十個,並分佈於四十八個國家之內。青年獅子會成為世界上發展得最迅速的青年運動。一九七四年,第二干個青年獅子會正式成立,直至七十年代末期,全球的青年獅子會已超過三千個並分佈於八十五個國家之內。現左,共有十多萬青年人在全世界百多個國家內的四千多個青年獅子會進行社區服務。

The origin of Leo Clubs

With a hope of helping teenagers to develop their interests as well as hoping them to be a responsible person, Abington High School, Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA established the first Leo Club in 1957. Two members from Glenside Club, Bill Ernst and James Graver were the founder of this Leo Club made up of 26 softball players of the school team, and this marked the start of the development of the Leo Clubs. After 6 years of effort, the second Leo Club, Tamaqua Leo Club was established in the same county, Pennsylvania. At time, Abington Leo Club expressed their gesture of goodwill by giving a silk banner. Ever since then, the development of Leo Clubs started to become flourishing. In 1968, Lion Evan, the president of Lions Clubs International suggested to list ‘Youth Counselling Activities’ to be the main service item of the year. Thus, the Board Association, Lions Clubs International proceeded by voting to recognize the establishment of Leo Club. Within the year, more than 200 Leo Clubs was founded in 18 countries. After a year, the number of Leo Clubs increased by 910 and they were distributed in 48 countries. Leo Club then became the most expeditiously-developed youth movement around the globe. In 1974, the 2000th Leo Clubs was established officially. Until late 1970s, there were already more than 3000 Leo Clubs located in 85 countries. Currently, there are in total of 100,000 youth members from about 4000 Leo Clubs in more than 100 countries who are serving the community.